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Welcome to the
Pensacola Association of REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service
P: (850) 434-5507 | F: (850) 432-2615
Coming Soon FAQ
How long can a listing be in a coming soon status?
There is not a time limit on a coming soon listing. We allow the seller to determine how long the listing sits in a coming soon status. If the coming soon status is extended for your listing, please be sure you have uploaded an updated addendum or other document with permission from the seller.
Can an agent present offers to the seller while the listing is in a coming soon status?
No, the agent cannot present any offers while the listing is in a coming soon status. The listing must be marked active for the seller to receive any offers.
What is a projected market date?
This is the date the seller has requested the listing to go active in the MLS. This date can be changed at any time the listing is in a coming soon status. The system will automatically change the listing from coming soon to active once the projected market date is reached. This happens overnight (at midnight).
I just found out my sellers showed their property, now what?
If the listing agent (or member) has any knowledge of a showing, the listing must be immediately marked active and made immediately available for showing.
My seller does not want to place their listing into the MLS in a coming soon status but is not ready to go active. What are our options?
If your seller does not wish to place their listing in the MLS in a coming soon status but is not yet ready to go active, the listing agent is responsible for obtaining that request in writing, signed by the seller and emailing that documentation to The listing agent can withhold the listing from the MLS for as long as the seller directs.
My listing was marked active by the system, can I place it back in a coming soon status?
No, the system will not allow the listing to be placed in a coming soon status after it is changed to active. If your seller is not ready to place the listing active, you will need to change the listing to Temporarily Off Market. The listing will not accrue days on market in this status.
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